Pasture Raised & Grass Fed Meat

We raise all of our animals on pasture. We believe this is the best way to keep the livestock and our farm land thriving. We practice managed intensive rotational grazing and move our animals so they are always eating & living on fresh pasture. This movement insures that the animals that graze always have something to eat, other animals access to nutritionally-rich forage, and all animals have a healthy living environment.

Raising animals makes the farm more sustainable, they produce valuable manure that increases our soil fertility, keep pests and weed populations low, help plow the soil and some eat produce that would otherwise go to waste. We never give any of our animals antibiotics, hormones or feed them GMOs. Learn more about our livestock and pasture-raised meat below. 


Grass Fed Beef & Lamb

Our cows and sheep are grass fed year-round. We raise them on pasture, in rotation with our other animals. They are moved to fresh pasture every few days and sometimes as often as every day. We feed them high-quality hay produced by our farm & other regional farmers in the winter, produced using the same holistic farming practices we use to grow our produce.


We currently raise White Galloway, Lowline Angus and Devon cattle crosses. 


We raise Katahdin sheep on the farm. Katahdin sheep are a meat breed originating in Maine and well adapted to this region.

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Heritage Pork

We raise our pigs on pasture and in woods on the farm. They are fed vegetables from the farm and certified organic grain from Green Mountain Feeds. They also get a significant amount of nutrients from grazing and rooting.

Our pigs are all heritage breeds that thrive on pasture, including Tamworth, Berkshire, Large Black and Gloucestershire Old Spots.

We offer high-quality, pastured pork in a wide-variety of cuts. 
